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学萃讲坛―My 43 years with Sumitomo(Delayed Fracture and TMCP)

发布时间:2018-07-11  浏览次数:2621

1.报告题目:My 43 years with Sumitomo(Delayed Fracture and TMCP)
报 告 人:Dr. Fukukazu Nakasato
2.报告题目:(1)Brittle film-induced cracking of ductile substrates; Grain boundaries effects on hydrogen-induced blisters initiation in pure iron
(2)How to publish engineering papers in high impact journals and how to un-Chinese your papers
报 告 人:Dr. Alex A. Volinsky
报告时间:2018年7月25日(周五) 上午8:30
报告人简介:1.The speaker, FN, worked for Sumitomo Metal Industries, Co.Ltd (SMI) for almost 43 years (April, 1975~August, 2012). His duty covered R&D on long products, materials testing and evaluation, customer service to major Japanese automobile companies, and education of young engineers of SMI, its subsidiary companies, and its customers.
2.Alex A. Volinsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor. University of South Florida, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Alex A. Volinsky got the bachelor degree in Moscow State University of Aviation Technology and Ph.D. in University of Minnesota. He is the fellow of Materials Research Society, ASME International, ASM International, TMS, NACE International and ASEE. He has published 7 books and more than 270 papers, and was invited to make 142 academic presentations.
报告内容:1.Among many R&D areas he got involved in, two major subjects are hydrogen-induced delayed fracture and TMCP. These two are industrially very important even today. The former "Delayed Fracture" is closely related to the performance of high -strength steel products used in various environments in the market. Typical hydrogen-induced in-service failure is delayed fracture of high strength bolts. FN describes his R&D work to fight against this fracture. The latter "TMCP or thermo-mechanical control process" is the production technology which can achieve attractive cost savings and/or better-than-ever properties of various steel products. An example of TMCP technology successfully applied to high-performance re-bar production will be introduced. Throughout his speech, FN will outline how he got involved in these R&D subjects, his successes and failures, and the desirable R&D engineer's mindset, etc. He will also refer to the future outlook on the above subjects.
2.(1)Film and substrate mechanical integrity is essential for the whole system's performance. In the present study, cracking of brass and 304 stainless steel ductile substrates induced by brittle TiN film fracture were observed. Counter-intuitively, instead of protecting the ductile substrate, a brittle film can cause its premature fracture, as demonstrated here experimentally. Brittle film fracture could induce cracking of ductile substrates at considerably low strain levels. Analytical calculation based on energy conservation during crack propagation is presented to explain this phenomenon of film-induced cracking.
The effects of grain boundaries (GBs) on the initiation and growth of hydrogen-induced blisters in pure iron were examined by synchrotron X-ray Laue nano-diffraction. It was found that blisters tended to form on random, rather than coincidence site lattice GBs. A complex deformation mechanism and higher strain levels were observed around random GBs, but not on low-angle GBs. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed that hydrogen had a tendency to gather and induce higher stress or strain levels on random GBs, causing localized plastic deformation. A possible mechanism of the blisters formation on random GBs is proposed based on experimental and simulation results, where hydrogen atoms are trapped by the free volume of random GBs and combine with each other forming hydrogen molecules, causing localized stress and plasticity, at the same time enlarging the excess volume of the GBs to eventually nucleate blisters.
(2)The presentation summarizes over 20 years of experience publishing research papers in peer reviewed journals. The author has over 300 publications. Based on over 10 years of research in China common mistakes made by Chinese authors can be identified and classified. This presentation will increase your chances of publishing papers in scientific literature.

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