报告题目:Advanced topic about 3-D “Printing” (Molding) Technique (additive manufacturing)
报告时间:2018.7.4 下午2:00
报告人简介:杨杰(Jie Yang) (Ph.D in Material Science),1983年毕业于哈尔滨船舶工程学院获金属材料及热处理学士学位,1986年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学获金属材料及热处理硕士学位,1993年获得清华大学材料物理及材料科学专业博士学位。主要研究兴趣为金属材料、无机非金属材料等制备与成型。先后在美国Case Western Reserve University,South Illinios University,香港城市大学,以及中科院物理研究所从事研究工作(1995年被聘为中科院物理所副研究员)。曾任美国海军实验室(NRL)高级研究员(Senior Staff Scientist)并曾作为研究员就任于纳米材料科学公司科研发展部(R&D of NanoScience Corp)。现任美国专利与商标局高级专利审查员。迄今为止,发表论文80余篇,专利10多项。
报告内容:3D printing (molding) Technique (additive manufacturing) is any of various processes to make a three-dimensional object with the computing assistant, and is the latest technology making inroads into the classroom. 3D-molding is one of developed technique with promising market. R&D of advanced materials for 3D-molding is new tendency for material research and applications. Present presentation will introduce the advanced 3D printing (molding) technique (additive manufacturing) in view of the patent application tendency in recent years, discussing the materials challenge for this technique, and showing the related applications.